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Have a look at the definitive guide to English chunks and dive into this comprehensive manual for expert insights and fluency.

The Definitive Guide to English Chunks.

Have a look at the definitive guide to English chunks and dive into this comprehensive manual for expert insights and fluency.

The Definitive Guide to English Chunks

 É grátis, free, e não custa absolutamente nada!

Unlocking Language:
The Definitive Guide to English Chunks.

In the world of words, we can understand language better by using something called “chunks.” Chunks are like building blocks made up of phrases we know well, such as everyday phrases and fixed expressions. When we listen or read, these chunks help us predict what comes next, making it easier to understand the meaning of words in real-time. It’s like having a secret code that makes language simpler to process.

Nível: Intermediário – Advançado


10 horas



Your Definitive Guide to English Chunks: By breaking down language into these familiar parts, we make communication smoother and more straightforward, revealing the magic of understanding words quickly.

Imagine learning English like building with Lego bricks.

Chunks are like those Lego pieces, small parts that make up bigger things.

In language, chunks are groups of words that often go together. It could be phrases we use a lot, like ‘once upon a time’ or ‘a piece of cake.’ They’re like shortcuts that help us understand and use English without thinking too much.

Now, ‘The Definitive Guide to English Chunks’ is like the master guidebook for using these language Lego pieces. It’s a big, friendly book that shows you all the important chunks and how to use them. It’s like having a treasure map to navigate through English easily.

This guide doesn’t just teach you words; it teaches you how words fit together like puzzle pieces. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to speak English confidently and understand it without any confusion.

You’ll learn the tricks of putting these language chunks together, making it super simple to communicate. It’s like having a superpower in your language toolbox! So, if you want to make English easy and fun, this guide is your go-to friend on the journey to becoming a language master.

Ready to boost your English skills effortlessly?

Dive into our lessons on chunks – the secret sauce for fluent communication! Discover how these word buddies make language a breeze. Join the journey to confident English speaking—your language adventure starts here!

1 What are chunks?

Chunks are pre-assembled blocks of language that native speakers use to express themselves fluently and efficiently.

11 Language chunks for business.

This lesson looks at how to use language chunks for business. These chunks are essential as they help speakers communicate effectively.

2 Why do chunks matter?

Today we will talk about why do chunks matter. Understanding chunks can significantly improve your English language skills.

4 Fluency with chunks – you know.

Fluency with chunks – you know. Discourse markers are used in written and spoken English to link what has come before to what comes next.

5 Chunks with examples of usage.

Unlock fluent English with our list of chunks with examples of usage! Explore practical examples that reveal the secrets of the English language.

6 Deep dive into chunks: Part 1.

Part 1 of a deep analysis of language chunks that helps us to learn how to use them in context, which is essential for effective communication.

7 Deep dive into chunks: Part 2.

Part 2 of a deep analysis of language chunks that helps us to learn how to use them in context, which is essential for effective communication.

9 200 language chunks.

I have organized nearly 200 language chunks into groups, according to their meanings, offering precise definitions and examples for each one.

Business expressions for meetings

When communicating with colleagues, understanding business expressions for meetings is a vital skill. Here are 10 phrases you can use today.

frases motivacionais em inglês.

Quando falamos com nossos amigos de trabalho, às vezes eles precisam de um pouco de motivação, veja as 10 frases motivacionais em inglês.

Phrasal verbs mais usados

Vamos explorar os 50 phrasal verbs mais usados, fornecendo uma bússola linguística para orientar sua jornada no mundo do inglês.